How to Repair Corner in Foundation Wall When Parging

Repairing a corner in a foundation wall when parging (applying a thin coat of mortar or cement-based material) involves a few steps to ensure a durable and effective fix. Here’s a general guide to help you:

Materials and Tools Needed:

  1. Masonry chisel
  2. Hammer
  3. Wire brush
  4. Concrete bonding agent
  5. Quick-setting hydraulic cement or mortar mix
  6. Trowel
  7. Bucket for mixing
  8. Safety gear (gloves, goggles, dust mask)


  1. Preparation:
    • Start by cleaning the damaged area thoroughly. Use a wire brush to remove any loose material, dirt, or debris from the surface.
    • Assess the extent of the damage. If there are any cracks or gaps, use a masonry chisel and hammer to widen them slightly. This will create a better surface for the new material to adhere to.
  2. Application of Bonding Agent:
    • Apply a concrete bonding agent to the cleaned and prepared surface. This will help the new material adhere securely to the old concrete.
    • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the bonding agent regarding application and drying time.
  3. Mixing the Repair Material:
    • Mix the quick-setting hydraulic cement or mortar mix according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use a clean bucket and add water gradually until you achieve a workable consistency.
  4. Application of Repair Material:
    • Using a trowel, apply the mixed repair material to the damaged corner of the foundation wall. Work the material into the corners and ensure it fills any cracks or gaps completely.
    • Smooth the surface of the repair material with the trowel, making it flush with the surrounding area. Try to match the texture of the existing parging as closely as possible.
  5. Finishing Touches:
    • Allow the repair material to set according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This typically involves giving it time to cure and harden.
    • Once the repair is fully cured, you can apply a new coat of parging over the repaired area if desired. Make sure to blend it seamlessly with the surrounding surface for a uniform appearance.
  6. Cleanup:
    • Clean your tools and any spilled material promptly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Dispose of any leftover mixed material properly.
  7. Safety Precautions:
    • Wear appropriate safety gear, including gloves, goggles, and a dust mask, to protect yourself from any harmful materials or dust during the repair process.

By following these steps carefully, you should be able to effectively repair a corner in a foundation wall when parging. If you encounter any significant structural issues or are unsure about the extent of the damage, it’s advisable to consult with a professional contractor for further guidance.

Is your foundation showing signs of wear and tear? Trust Alasya Construction to revitalize it with our expert parging repair services. Our skilled team specializes in delivering seamless and professional results, restoring the integrity and aesthetic appeal of your property. Don’t let damaged parging compromise the look and durability of your foundation any longer. Contact us today to schedule your repair and experience the difference Alasya Construction can make!

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